Our Mission Statement
‘Learning and growing together as we follow Christ’
Tittensor CE (VC) First School Vision
At Tittensor we nurture wonder and faith and are full of hope and enthusiasm, as we worship together. We encourage all to persevere and grow in learning to our God-given potential. We look after one another and our world, with love and respect, seeking the common good for all.
We explore our school values though key Bible stories such as the Good Samaritan and The Prodigal Son.
Our belief is: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' This is the second great commandment of Jesus. We try to practise this in our daily lives and uphold the belief that: 'No one should seek their own good, but the good of others'. (1 Corinthians 10:24)
Our School Aims
Our aim as a Church school is to support children through the teachings of Jesus in developing our three core values: Faith, Love, Hope. We aim to celebrate faith by enabling our children to make the right choices in God’s eyes and to have a positive impact on those around us as part of God’s family. We will not accept bullying and everyone should feel valued. We will create a happy, friendly, inclusive and caring learning environment where children love to come and learn. Everyone will succeed and have the opportunities to establish good relationships, stay healthy and look after our own wellbeing.
At Tittensor we will provide for all staff and pupils the opportunity and encouragement to be able to enjoy school and be successful learners for God’s ever-changing world:
- We will be an inclusive school. One in which the learning, achievements, spirituality, attitudes and wellbeing of all matters.
- We will provide a challenging, broad, exciting and extended curriculum which will actively encourage, motivate and develop our learners.
- We will actively promote pupil participation and pupils will be given the opportunity to take responsibility and be encouraged to make a positive contribution to their learning, school, church and community.
- We are committed to being a healthy and safe school. We recognise that investing in emotional, mental and physical health and providing a safe, secure environment nurtures all pupils and our staff.
- Through PSHE, Religious Studies and Global Citizenship, we will support our children in gaining the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe, healthy and happy, and become well-rounded future learners.
- We will promote life-long learning for all by striving to motivate and engage our children through a stimulating curriculum filled with enrichment opportunities.
- We will have a Christain distinctiveness ethos where relationships are strengthened and nurtured. The school will be the hub of the local community.
- We will ensure that learning takes place outside and inside, offering quality learning environments accessible to all.
- We will teach our children to be able learners in the technologically advancing world in which we live.