01782 372539
Beechcliff Lane, Tittensor, Stoke-on-Trent, ST12 9HP
01782 372539
Beechcliff Lane, Tittensor, Stoke-on-Trent, ST12 9HP

British values are embedded in the life of the school. They are actively promoted through spiritual, moral, social and cultural education and form part of our distinctive Christian character. British and Christian values are regularly promoted through high quality teaching across the curriculum, within collective worship, and by positive behaviour policy which allows pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attributes that will allow them to contribute positively to life in Modern Britain. These values and attitudes are promoted and reinforced by all staff and used to provide a model of behaviour for all pupils. The way in which the school community behave and treat others is built upon a basis of respect, individual worth and Christian love, while recognising that many of these guiding principles are present in other faiths and cultures. Our links with ST. Luke's support and enhance the ethos.


Democracy and communication is embedded in school life as the 'voice' of each pupil is valued and heard. Pupils are listened to by adults and taught to listen actively to one another, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions heard. Pupils have the opportunity to share opinions and ideas through the Student Body and regular 'pupil voice' evaluation. Elections of the Student Body members are based on pupil votes. Children take part in debates, circle time, eco-groups and also have responsibility around the school. For example, buddies, play leaders and classroom monitors. The Student Body are a vital part of the leadership and direction of the school and feed back to the Governing body termly.

Rule of the Law

The importance of laws, whether governing the class, the school or the country, is consistently reinforced. The children discuss and set their own classroom rules to ensure they are relevant and clearly understood by all. Pupils are taught the value and the reasons behind the laws, the responsibility they have to uphold them and the consequences when laws are broken. They are taught the importance of right and wrong, in particularly relating to the schools Christian values. The school has a behaviour policy that is reviewed regularly and shared by all, along with playground rules and golden rules.

Individual Liberty

Pupils at the school are seen as unique and valued individuals, each of whom is equally important. They are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing they are in a safe and supportive environment. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely throughout the curriculum subjects, particularly in PSHE and e-safety lessons. Year 4 choose a charity each year and decide how to raise money through organising events.

Mutual respect

Respect is an important value to pupils and staff and is deeply embedded in learning and behaviour. Pupils understand that respect must be shown to everyone, whatever differences there may be. Respect underpins school life, in and out of the classroom. Tittensor First School has signed the anti-bullying pledge, has planned actions that are regularly reviewed and has an annual anti-bullying week. Good manners and appropriate interactions with adults are actively promoted. (Regular links with the church and community allow children to practice these interactions in a respectful way – pupils enjoy community events, afternoon teas, visitors in school and worship in church- these are just a few examples)

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Christian concepts and values form an integral part of pupils' daily learning but are taught alongside an understanding and celebration of different faiths, cultures, philosophies and beliefs. This tolerance is embedded within subjects, particularly RE, enabling pupils to gain an enhanced understanding of the place of religion in a multi-faith world and their own place in a culturally diverse society.

Festivals from a range of cultures are celebrated e.g. Diwali, Chinese New Year. Our rolling programme of RE (supported by Staffordshire SACRE) enables the children to learn about daily life for Muslims and the Jewish religion. Tittensor First School Visits Lichfield Cathedral to participate in 'Open Door' bi-annually and also the Derby Faith Centre.

We are currently reviewing our global links and are working with a children's disability school in Vietnam (A pupil and their family will be visiting this centre and working with pupils across the school). A member of staff is also at the beginning of planning a Guiding association 'school building' mission to Kenya in 2019 (something that the school will be following and supporting very closely).

We are proud to celebrate cultural diversity in all aspects of school life. We hold regular 'Shine' days in which we invite parents and carers into school to take part in whole school creative activities, such as Bible day, Christian crafts day or the Queen's 90th celebration day. Parents and carers also share in our cultural experiences such as Music performances and African Ark day.