01782 372539
Beechcliff Lane, Tittensor, Stoke-on-Trent, ST12 9HP
01782 372539
Beechcliff Lane, Tittensor, Stoke-on-Trent, ST12 9HP

Our Nursery

Applications to our Nursery are now made directly through the school office. Please call 01782 372539 for an application form.

(We follow the local authority criteria for allocation of places)

About Our Nursery

Our Nursery is part of an Early Years setting allowing all children from 3 -5 year olds to have full access to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

At Tittensor FIrst School we have a variety of offers in place for children from the age of 2 years old, in some cases. Below are some of the details of the provision we offer. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office or ask to speak with one of our Nursery team.

2 year old (Rising 3s)
In some cases we are able to offer places to children who are 2 but will be 3 in the term that they start our nursery, subject to availability. For these children, there will be three intakes, September, January and April, depending on the term that sees their third birthday.

3-4yr olds (From the September after they turn 3 years old)

We offer 15 hours to all pupils aged 3-4 years old. These hours may be topped up to include an additional 5 sessions subject to availability. (Fees subject to change and available from the school office)

If you qualify for 30 hours you may spread 15 hours over the end of the week or by accessing before and afterschool care.

Please check out our Nursery Admissions Policy for more information regaring the Nursery and Rising threes.